Saturday 17 September 2011

Blood BOWL!!!!

Last year I was introduced to blood bowl for the first time because I had someone contact me to paint a team for them. While I had seen the game on the shelf for sometime I had never been given the pleasure of being able to examine a team up close...Anyways last year and into this year I went a little blood bowl crazy and ended up painting, from memory, 6-7 teams for myself and other people.

Even now I still enjoy painting a good ol' blood bowl team.

Here's some photo's of the work that I've done...just wanted to share them with you all...

This was the first ever blood bowl team I had ever painted and even now looking back I ask couldn't I get hooked? These awesome Gators were like a gateway drug into the world of Blood Bowl lol
These guys are just really could you not love a great looking undead team...the big guys at the back I found immensely pleasurable to paint.
Here is another one of the commissions I took in my Blood Bowl crazed flurry of painting...
And finally I got to paint a team of my own...funnily enough I only played with this team 3 times before I moved onto playing a fully fledged Ogre team...

So that's all the photo's I can find of teams I've painted in the last twelve months even though I'm sure I've done more...

Oops turns out I's a team painted up as the New Zealand 'All Blacks'

That is all...a big thanks goes out to all those who love blood bowl and love a good paint job. If you don't have the time or the skill to paint...why not shoot me an email on: and see if we can't work something out for you.


  1. As well if you're wondering where to get some of these awesome mini's from the bulk of them can be purchased through the amazing Impact Miniatures..

  2. Just WoW - great stuff Pat! I love that Necro team in particular: wonderful minis, beautifully painted. They all Impact figs?


  3. All but the last two...the 'All Blacks' team is a mix of the GW mini's and some of the models from Impact.

    Thanks for the compliment by the way
